Saturday, December 28, 2019
The Changes Our Country Has Gone through After 9-11
I would say that, as far as a college student, I am in a somewhat unique position to analyze many of the changes that our country has gone through since the terror attacks of September 11, 2001. While the majority of college students today were not even teenagers yet, in 2001 I was already a ripe old age of 25. I remember that day clearly and all of the feelings and emotions that came along with learning the awful truth of what had happened. That day is one of the most defining moments in our history. In the following years, our country has changed drastically in many ways that many college students of today can only read about. One of the most obvious changes since 9/11 is the change that has been made at the airports. You cannot walk near an airport without seeing security that just didn’t exist before 9/11. I can recall being able to walk all the way to the gate to escort a friend or family member even though I was not flying with them, but that ended very quickly. Of cours e there were ID checks and metal detectors to go through security, but nowhere near the hassle that it has become today. Congress and President Bush felt something had to be done to increase security at the airports, so the TSA was created. â€Å"The Aviation and Transportation Security Act, (.pdf, 104kb) passed by the 107th Congress and signed on November 19, 2001, established TSA and required the completion of more than 30 mandates by the end of 2002. In the largest civilian undertaking in the history ofShow MoreRelatedThe Issue of Mass Illegal Immigration to the United States829 Words  | 3 Pageshere. There has been a long standing love/hate relationship with the issue of immigration. It has long been debated as to whether or not we should continue to allow immigrant into our country so freely. Since the 1700’s the U.S. has been working on and has implemented policies try to restrict and govern the immigrants entering this country. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Crimes That Relate to Chemical Addiction. - 1237 Words
I have been asked to explain the different types of crimes that relate to chemical addiction. When talking about crime, we must have an understanding what the word crime actually means. Crime is a harmful act that is committed to one or more individuals. To be classified as a crime, the act of doing something bad (actus reus) must be usually accompanied by the intention to do something bad (mens read), with certain exceptions (strict liability). For example, if you go to someone and beat him or her up, you intended to do physical harm, and therefore you have committed an assault. One of the crimes that relate to chemical addiction is sexual assault. Many people feel that sexual assaults only happen to women, but actually, it happens to†¦show more content†¦The UCR program further specifies that this type of assault be usually accompanied by the use of a weapon or by other means likely to produce death or great bodily harm. Attempted aggravated assault that involves the displ ay or threat to use a gun, knife or other weapon is included in this crime category because serious personal injury would likelyShow MoreRelatedRelapse in Substance Abuse Treatment Essay1165 Words  | 5 PagesRelapse Prevention in Substance Abuse Treatment In relation to drug abuse, relapse is resuming the use of a chemical substance or drug after a period of abstinence. The term can be said to be a landmark feature of a combination of substance abuse and substance independence. The propensity for dependency, repeated use, and tendencies that take the form of the substance being used, are some of the issues that drug users’ experience. Substances that enhance most severe tendencies in users and pose highRead MoreAbuse Versus Addiction802 Words  | 4 Pagesï » ¿ Essay: Abuse vs. Addiction Terry V. Hites Liberty University Essay: Abuse vs. Addiction There is a war being wage here in America. 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As in Amazing Grace, poverty in the United States is extremelyRead MoreAlcohol Death And Its Effect On Family Life1625 Words  | 7 Pagesvolume in alcohol use disorders: a meta-analysis. New Mexico, Addiction Biology, 2013.As a matter of fact, excessive amount of drinking can also bring the damage to the intestine also block the protein and nutrients bring into the stomach.Beside this,it can lead to high blood pressure and enlarge the chance of heart failure or even a stroke. In physiology explanation, when alcohol is being absorbed to the body, it created the chemical compound and the first organ is being damaged is the brain,where
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Disabled and Refugee Blues, contrast and compare experiences free essay sample
Disabled and Refugee Blues, written by Wilfred Owen and W. H. Auden respectively, are both responses to exile and isolation and a cry for those who are suffering from them. Disabled, written in 1917, was a response to the isolation caused by disability and especially that of war veterans. Auden’s, Refugee Blues, written in 1939 on the outbreak of the Second World War, was criticism of the widespread discrimination of Jews in Europe and more specifically German Jews by the Nazis. A key difference between the poems is, obviously, the different times that they were written in. Another, less obvious difference is that Refugee Blues was written with no personal experience and was written about a group from a country which he briefly experienced in a trip to Berlin 10 years prior to writing, in 1929. This is contrasted by Owen undoubtedly being influenced by his experiences at Craiglockhart Hospital where he wrote Disabled. This difference in influence could easily be one of many reasons for any contrast and variance in their depictions of the experiences of exile and isolation. Both poets expose the reality of isolation and exile, showing these experiences to be entrapping, unjust and revealing emotions of hopelessness and powerlessness. Owen thoroughly explores the state of isolation as entrapping and inescapable in Disabled. Throughout the poem the tense almost involuntarily switches between the dreamy â€Å"light-blue trees†of â€Å"his youth†to the present, with the soldier’s flowing, nostalgic memories of the past always being truncated by the sharp caesura of the present. For example in the second stanza the rhythmic, fertile language of â€Å"girls glanced†and â€Å"glow-lamps budded†is broken by â€Å"before he threw away his knees. †The slow, graceful rhythm, which is produced by the alliteration and fertile language, is sharply broken by the short blunt sentence which instantaneously withdraws the reader from the lament and into the present. This represents the soldier’s ineffective struggle to escape from the present into his dreamy past; therefore demonstrating the powerful hold that isolation and exile can have on a person. Owen reinforces the entrapment of isolation through the personification of â€Å"mothering†sleep, which reveals the comfort the soldier draws from sleep as it protects him from his torturous present. Although the soldier’s ability to sleep might suggest that the soldier is not in fact trapped by his isolation and is able to escape it, in reality sleep always comes to an end and the soldier is always reined in by his present life, just like when he is reined in from his memories. Owen’s exploration of the soldier’s present life being inescapable torture is very interesting as it contrasts common opinion, that soldiers were haunted by their past experiences in the war. This soldier’s wartime experiences are neglected throughout the poem, suggesting that they are unimportant, this emphasises Owen’s point, that neglect and isolation of veterans is actually worse than the wartime experiences. The theme of endless entrapment is similarly explored in Refugee Blues through the use of the refugee’s dreams. Auden uses the speaker’s reference to a dream to show the extent of the exile; even when a refugee is dreaming they are unable to escape their exile: â€Å"Dreamed I saw a building with a thousand floors, A thousand windows and a thousand doors: Not one of them was ours, my dear, not one of them was ours†On a simplistic level, the huge building represents the magnitude of the opportunities, which is accentuated by the triadic repetition of â€Å"a thousand†, that the couple are not able to have even when they are dreaming. By taking a step back, one can also realise that the building is a subtle reference to Hitler’s plans of ‘Lebensraum’ for the Aryan race. The dream is a double edged sword as it shows the entrapment that exile has over its subjects and it exposes the injustice of the Nazi regime and exile of the Jews by revealing the endless opportunities that the Nazis and their Aryan race have in comparison to the exile of the Jewish race. Auden’s use of dreams slightly differs to Owen’s nostalgic, dream-like memories due to Owen’s representation of dreams as an escape from torturous life and Auden’s direct use of dreams to show the permeating effect of exile. However, ultimately, they have the same effect of illuminating the permeating entrapment that exile and isolation cause. Both poems also use negation in order to exhibit the experiences of exile and isolation as entrapping. In Refugee Blues Auden generally uses the refrain to contrast the previous two sentences with a negative, for instance, â€Å"we cannot go there†. This clearly demonstrates the entrapping nature of exile. Furthermore, the syllabic emphasis habitually falls on the negative – in this case is â€Å"cannot†– which not only effectively emphasises it but also, because of the refrain, gives a sense of the refugees having more and more options shut off, which in turn brings about the sense of increasing panic and despair, two other emotions which Auden effectively creates. The emotions of entrapment created by negation in Refugee Blues are reinforced by the line structure. In the refrain of every tercet, the â€Å"my dear†is trapped by a usually ominous phrase such as â€Å"we cannot go there now, my dear, we cannot go there now. †This successfully reveals the extent of the entrapment of the exile as it permeates all parts of an exiles life, even the form of a poem which is a cry for help. Owen employs a slightly different type of negation. He uses the absence of communication to demonstrate the entrapment which being disabled has brought upon the soldier. Throughout the poem the disabled soldier seems unable to communicate with society and the society with him. â€Å"All of them touch him like some queer disease†. This simile shows the inability of the girls to communicate with the previously handsome soldier (â€Å"an artist sill for his face†), who is longing to â€Å"feel again how slim / Girls’ waists are†. This sense of desperation for things that â€Å"he will never feel again†shows how the soldier is trapped by his disability. The entrapment is further accentuated by the direct contrast with his past self where he was clearly able to communicate and interact with girls as he had â€Å"his Meg†, this shows that it was specifically the disability that distanced him from society, not his personality. Later in the poem the â€Å"solemn man†manages to â€Å"thank†him however this still shows the negation of any real communication. There is also still no communication on the soldier’s part, even when he has been â€Å"thanked†, emphasising that he is trapped. In comparison, Auden uses the same sort of language as â€Å"thanked†as well as many other devises to demonstrate the injustice of exile. The committee asked the refugee â€Å"politely to return next year†. The adverb â€Å"politely†gives the justice system – which is represented by the â€Å"committee†– an air of civility which brings about its detachedness and depersonalises it. By doing this Auden successfully reveals the facade which is the justice system consequently revealing the injustice of exile. More subtly, Auden uses almost rhyme in order to undermine the â€Å"committee†and make the injustice more apparent. The rhyme pattern of Blues poems is traditionally AAB, and this is followed throughout the poem apart from â€Å"chair†and â€Å"year†which don’t quite rhyme. This represents the falseness of the justice system; even though they have offered him a â€Å"chair†, which could imply a position of power, it is just pretence like asking him â€Å"politely†to return next year. Auden also uses the simple example of the legal system rejecting the refugee three times. Firstly â€Å"the consul†, then â€Å"a committee†and finally the â€Å"public meeting†, the threefold rejection of the refugee serves to emphasise all different types of justice rejecting them; revealing the full extent of the injustice of exile. As well as the rejection, the use of particular nouns also emphasises the injustice of exile. â€Å"The consul†is supposed to be a place of refuge for citizens in a foreign country, despite this, â€Å"the consul†rejects the exiles. The noun consul, unsurprisingly, comes from the same root as counsel, which only serves to further emphasise the injustice as â€Å"the consul†should therefore offer advice and help to refugees but instead it aggressively â€Å"banged on the table and said, / If you’ve got no passport you’re officially dead. ’†Owen complimentarily portrays the experience of isolation as unjust, he however, he does it largely through the description of the soldier. The veteran is constantly labelled and defined by what he can’t do. Firstly, Owen uses the title, â€Å"Disabled†, the prefix â€Å"dis†immediately introduces the theme of defining the soldier by what they can’t do, which is unjust in itself. The etymology of the word â€Å"disabled†is ‘legally disqualified’, which is deeply ironic as the soldier is the one who fought for the very existence of the legal system, but now his own countrymen are defining him as ‘legally disqualified’. Furthermore, the title being â€Å"Disabled†seems to subjugate everything else, ignoring things such as the fact that he gave his limbs for the country; further presenting the injustice of isolation. The simile â€Å"like some queer disease†is another example of the total injustice of isolation. Again, the etymology of the word demonstrates the injustice as it is, ‘inconvenience’; this implies that the veteran is inconvenient to society. This is highly ironic in two ways, firstly because he fought in order to look after society and its values, so in fact he is highly convenient to society. Secondly, towards the end of the poem, we realise that society is actually an inconvenience to the disabled veteran as he waits â€Å"for dark†– or death, but the society doesn’t allow him to die. Owen also uses the constant comparisons between the past and present to demonstrate the injustice of isolation. The soldier is constantly defined by what he can’t do compared to what he was able to do as his pre-war self, and he is seemingly punished for it. Values of sexuality, â€Å"an artist silly for his face†, athleticism, he was ‘chaired’ by his teammates, and valour, which was once represented by â€Å"a bloodsmear down his leg†were all pre-war values which he thought would be enhanced by enlisting. Owen proves this to be totally wrong through the direct comparisons between the pre-war and the post war. The asterisks between the stanzas act like a mirror between the pre and post war, for example: And leap of purple spurted from his thigh *** One time he liked the bloodsmear down his leg, The post war description of bleeding is a grim parody of ejaculation ejaculation is supposed to create life. However, as this â€Å"leap of purple†is ejaculated from his thigh it quickly destroys his life, turning it into a life of disabled isolation. On the other side of the asterisk, the â€Å"bloodsmear down his leg†represents valour and heroism; values which he wrongly thought would be enhanced by the war. The injustice of his isolation is then compounded by the reaction of the public to his returning home, â€Å"Some cheered him home, but not as crowds cheer Goal. †The direct comparison between the post war public reaction to valour and heroism and the pre-war reaction further reveal the unfair difference in attitudes towards the soldier and subsequently the injustice of isolation. Another similar experience which both Auden and Owen display is the bleak permanence of both isolation and exile. Both poems start off very bleakly, Owen introduces a grey, monotonous, depressing chromatic pallet through the use of language such as â€Å"dark†, â€Å"suit of grey†and â€Å"saddening†, which all work together to produce an experience of bleak exile. Auden also uses specific language to create a depressing, bleak atmosphere. Lexis such as â€Å"souls†sets an ominous, foreboding tone for the poem because of its connotations. Another similarity is the poets’ use of syntax to develop a steady continuous rhythm, which runs throughout the poems. The slow continuous form represents the experiences of exile and isolation: slow, bleak and boring. Auden and Owen both also similarly make reference to a bleak future to help the reader realise the bleak permanence of exile and isolation. The very fact that the disabled soldier’s future is able to be summed up in the one sad sentence, â€Å"He will spend a few sick years in Institutes†, reveals the bareness of the isolation, the fact that it’s in the future, emphasises the certain, permanence of his bleak exile. Similarly, in Refugee Blues the refugee cites the question â€Å"where shall we go to-day? †this expresses the lack of immediate future subsequently showing the bleak nature of exile. However, it also introduces the experience of uncertainty of exile. This experience of uncertainty is a slight, but key, difference between Auden’s Refugee Blues and Disabled and therefore between experiences of isolation and exile. Auden and Owen also both express feelings of hopelessness created by exile and isolation. Although there is similarity, Refugee Blues slightly differs from Disabled because there is a building sense of hope towards the middle section of the poem. However, this deteriorates by the end of the poem which concludes with feelings of hopelessness just like in Disabled. In both poems this hopelessness is signified by the central character giving up hope and accepting defeat. Owen starts Disabled with feelings of hopelessness and despair as the soldier is immediately â€Å"waiting for dark†, or death. These feelings continue throughout the poem, eventually amalgamating and becoming too much for the veteran who gets angry (shown by the exclamation point) and eventually begs for death. â€Å"Why don’t they come / and put him into bed? †which is the veteran metaphorically asking for death, this clearly shows that he has completely lost hope and given up. Refugee Blues has a similar start with feelings of despair and hopelessness simply created by caesura and language. â€Å"Some are living in mansions, some are living in holes. †The use of commas, which creates a sense of listing, together with the representation of the widespread of society – created by listing the extremities of society – creates a sense of a huge society with lots of variation â€Å"yet, there’s no place for [them]†. This demonstrates the feeling of hopelessness which is reemphasised by the repeat of â€Å"yet, there’s no place for us. †Owen also emphasises the feeling of despair by the syllabic emphasis always falling on the â€Å"no†, which makes it seem like doors are closing and opportunities are disappearing. However, unlike Owen, Auden creates a slight sense of hope with â€Å"But we are still alive, my dear, but we are still alive. †The refrain, as usual, increases the power of the emotion, in this case creating a sense of building hope. However, this hope is short-lived and by the end of the poem gradually deteriorates into the refugee giving up. This is shown by the choice of the verbs at the start of each stanza and towards the end of the poem, â€Å"went†, â€Å"walked†, â€Å"dreamed†and, finally, â€Å"stood†. All of the verbs before â€Å"stood†are movements or imaginations which provide the contrast for â€Å"stood†which, through its static finality, is representative that the refugee has completely given up on trying to escape exile therefore it reveals that he has lost hope. This is compounded by the hyperbole, â€Å"ten thousand soldiers†¦/ looking for you and me†, which shows that the exile has taken over him as he is unable, or has given up trying, to rationalise it. This representation of exile and isolation extremely similar to Owen’s because they both present the idea that exile and isolation eventually culminate in a total loss of hope and eventually the embracing of death. Owen and Auden use the perspective and form in their poems in order to subtly criticise society and the way that it puts people into exile and how it treats the disabled. During Disabled the viewpoint changes as the tense changes. When describing the present tense, the reader is put in a distanced and detached viewpoint through the use of the pronoun â€Å"he†. This is contrasted by the subjective view that is taken when describing the past. This change in viewpoint is representative, and critical, of the way that society views disabled people and more generally those in isolation. It criticises the distanced, dehumanised view that people take of disabled people through the contrast between the personal viewpoint taken before he â€Å"threw away his knees†and the way it presents the disabled veteran after the war. Auden also subtly criticises society, however, he does so by using the form of the poem. Auden uses the blues form to present exile because it originated from black African slaves in America. In 1939, when the poem was written, black people in America were openly discriminated against through the use of ‘Jim Crow’ Laws. The form of the poem demonstrates how discrimination, and therefore isolation and exile, are engrained in society because of the ironic use of a form which originated from black slaves in a poem which is supposed to give a voice to those in isolation and exile. Auden also uses the form of Refugee Blues in order to expose the lack of voice for those seeking refuge. Throughout the poem the refugee’s voice seems to have no effect. The whole poem is written as if it is a conversation or a description to a loved one. However, similarly to Disabled, there is lack of a voice in return, for example the question â€Å"where shall we go to-day? †goes unanswered throughout the whole poem, which makes it seem as if the supposed conversation is just a monologue. This not only emphasises the entrapment through the same technique as Owen employs in Disabled (inability to communicate with society shows that the refugee is trapped by exile) but also seems to be like a Ghazal. Traditionally, a Ghazal is written in order to express love which is usually unrequited or impossible. In Refugee Blues the poem is about the pain of exile, therefore, by being similar to a Ghazal, the form reveals that the pain of exile is unrequited and the wish to be free is impossible. Overall, the differences created by the different time of writing for each poem and the amount of influence personal experience had on the poem are minimal.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Valuation Methods used in the Various Stages of a Construction Project Essay Example For Students
Valuation Methods used in the Various Stages of a Construction Project Essay The rating methods are carried out in the preliminary phases, during, and at the terminal of a undertaking. There are many methods of valuing belongings, besides each of the methods has its benefits and disadvantages. It changes depending on intents and demand of the belongings. For existent estate rating there are five methods are by and large accepted and each includes the usage of comparing to a lesser or greater scope. We will write a custom essay on Valuation Methods used in the Various Stages of a Construction Project specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Following methods are by and large accepted in existent estate rating Comparative method Contractor s method Investing method Residual method Net incomes method ( RICS, n.d ) Comparative method This rating method is accepted and normally used method, from this we can happen out the market monetary value of the belongingss. The chief undertaking is to consistently roll up informations on similar belongingss in the same location, happen out the factors which act uponing value and it should be evaluated against each other, both plus and dealing features considered under this method. ( Jordan lee A ; Jaffar, 2014 ) . Example Mr. Peter is traveling to sell his 10 perches house which located at Havelock Street, Wellawata, Colombo 06, utilizing dealing features method by seeking informations, that indicated that four similar houses on the same patio are sold for an sum between LKR 1,725,000.00 per perch and LKR 1,735,000.00 per perch while the terminal of patio house sold for LKR 1,750,000.00 per perch. All happened within the last four months. Another hunt utilizing assets features method would demo there were besides four similar patio houses sold on the analogue to Havelock Street for an sum between LKR 1,722,500.00 per perch and LKR 1,740,000.00 per perch. With this information, Mr. Peter can confidently presume that his house monetary value should be no less than LKR 1,722,000.00 and could perchance bring LKR 1,740,000.00 Contractor’s method The contractor s method is used for some belongingss a similar: Public Sectors, Town Councils, Healthcare Providers, etc. which holding unique and specialised intents. Because of their alone nature which prevents them from valuing for commercial usage. ( De Carlon, n.d ) . Below mentioned equation is the basic for the contractor s method of rating Value of Existing Property = ( De Carlon, n.d ) . Example Value of Existing Property = = = LKR 8, 700, 000.00 Investing method Investing method is normally used by investor for gauging the investing belongingss which are used to bring forth income from gross revenues, rents, etc. to cipher the value of the belongings on the current market is cognizing the net income is which produced by the belongings. This is done combination with measuring the status of the belongings for possible redevelopment disbursals or future fix. ( De Carlon, n.d ) . This investing method of rating is calculated by utilizing the output from the belongings, if the higher value of the output means return investing besides higher. ( Padraig Hyde A ; Sons, n.d ) Example When there is a belongings in market which has bespeaking monetary value of $ 300,000 and $ 700 of monthly rental income. So output of belongings will be 2.8 % . ( Padraig Hyde A ; Sons, n.d ) In the market there is a belongings which inquiring for a monetary value of LKR 3, 500,000.00 and the monthly rental income is LKR 35,000.00, hence output of belongings is calculated by below mentioned method ; Output of the property= x 100 = 12 % Residual method Residual method of rating is used to gauge the sum for edifices or land, which is to be developed or renovated. From the estimated sum investor can come to a decision that it is deserving puting for or non. ( ANON, 2014 ) . .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .postImageUrl , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:hover , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:visited , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:active { border:0!important; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:active , .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287 .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufb65920dc0c192a1cbaaa15ede494287:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Autism EssayBelow mentioned equation is the basic for the residuary method of rating ; Value of belongings in its present status = Value of completed undertaking – Total development cost. ( Padraig Hyde A ; Sons, n.d ) To acquire more perfect value, it would be indispensable to include all expected depreciation and grasp cost in development one time finish deduct entire development costs such as revenue enhancements, funding and involvement cost and even the builder’s net income border that could would allow for exact residuary value of site to be obtained. ( Padraig Hyde A ; Sons, n.d ) Example There is a freshly constructed belongings which located at Havelock Street, Wellawata, Colombo -06, estimated sale monetary value for the belongings is LKR 10 million and the entire edifice cost is LKR 8 million, from this residuary value of site is calculated as LKR 2 million, say you are a belongings developer, if you bid above residuary value of site at sum of LKR 3 million, so you are certainly traveling to loss LKR 1 million. 4.3 ) Using an illustration of your pick, carry out a cost-benefit analysis. Interpret the consequences you obtained for practical usage. Cost benefit analysis ( CBA ) it is a perfect method for determine how action program will turn out. Evaluation technique is comparing economic benefits with economic cost of the activity. The cardinal rule of cost benefit analysis ( CBA ) should supply benefit for the society greater than its cost. When several undertakings promise to give positive net benefits and when all can non be undertaken due to limited resources, the undertaking that creates the greatest net benefit to the society should be selected ( ANON, n.d ) Example There is a two house undertakings shown at a lower place names as X and Y to transport out cost benefit analysis for this undertakings which based on comparing of hard currency flow. Assumption ( 1LKR: 2,500 LKR ) House Ten Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Entire hard currency influx ( LKR ) 150 200 260 330 370 385 420 430 Entire hard currency out flow ( LKR ) 115 130 155 190 210 205 225 235 Net hard currency flow ( LKR ) 35 70 105 130 160 180 195 200 Table 07- Net hard currency flow for house Ten House Yttrium Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Entire hard currency influx ( LKR ) 40 90 145 200 270 380 490 630 Entire hard currency out flow ( LKR ) 55 85 120 145 180 240 260 280 Net hard currency flow ( LKR ) -15 5 25 55 90 140 230 350 Table 08- Net hard currency flow for house Yttrium Figure 10 – Time versus Net hard currency flow chart From this graph if we sing the house undertakings, house Ten is better than house Y it acquire the benefit fast in first 5 old ages but it change after 5Thursdaytwelvemonth and house Yttrium in the early phase less net income in 5 old ages and all of a sudden it increase after 5Thursdaytwelvemonth. So these X and Y house undertakings are good and we can acquire benefits as per this analysis. If house Ten besides can be selected they require benefit in the beginning, same as House Y besides be selected if they can set less net income in the beginning and can acquire greater net income after 5 old ages. Finally it is depends on their demand and their determination to take. 4.4 ) Using an illustration of your pick, explicate how income and outgo curves ( peculiarly the S-curve ) aid contractors command the undertaking cost. You are required to exemplify how a contractor can calculate cost deductions with the usage of S-Curve. The S-curve is a powerful project direction control tool. It provides wide-ranging rating and shows a clear image of a undertaking procedure and its development. It is usage for detecting a undertaking procedure through known undertaking stages and to supervise phases of each stage, and besides it shows the resources connexions in term of different variables which are scaled as per centums ( % costs ) in relation to the clip variable, this relationships draw the future way to run into the undertaking aims and the concluding mark end, There are many different sorts of S-curves which are used for undertaking direction applications, such as: Costss versus Time S-curve, Baseline S-curve, Actual S-curve, Target S-curve, Man Hours versus Time S-curve, Value and Percentage S-curves. Therefore analyses of S-curves allow undertaking directors to easy acknowledge undertaking growing, slippage, and possible jobs which would impact the undertaking. .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .postImageUrl , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:hover , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:visited , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:active { border:0!important; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:active , .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u5c5505bc9481285775f7b9c411ba18fa:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The French And Indian War Essay Figure 11 – S-curve ( Time versus Cost ) As per the above mentioned illustration, S-curve indicate that the undertaking is behind the agenda and over cost at the point of T1. At the point T1 we can clearly place that existent cost work performed ( ACWP ) is greater than budgeted cost of work performed ( BCWP ) , hence Cost Variance ( CV ) is unfavourable for the contractor, and besides we can place that budgeted cost of work scheduled ( BCWS ) is greater than budgeted cost of work performed ( BCWP ) hence Schedule Variance ( SV ) is unfavourable for the contractor. From these we can understand there is an impact on hard currency flow. If we sing cost discrepancy ( CV ) it is unfavourable for the contractors, it may go on by the monetary value fluctuation or wastage of resources or fluctuations or over disbursals or fast on the job procedure. If the monetary value fluctuation and fluctuation occurred during the undertaking period the contractor can claim those excess money of existent outgo but the extra money is lesser than the existent outgo eventually the contractor have to confront the fiscal job. ( For an illustration: -for a undertaking budgeted cost for an activity is 4 million USD and Actual Cost is 7 million USD but fluctuation is 1 million USD so contractors put 2 Million USD from his pocket. It will take him to fiscal jobs ) . If we sing schedule discrepancy ( SV ) it is besides unfavourable for the contractor. It may go on hold in work force, machineries and stuffs there will be opportunity for low craft A ; quality, because clip hold contractor have pay the punishment at terminal he have to confront the jobs and losingss Decision From the S-curve analysis contractor can calculate the cost deduction and he can understand how much cost in future, and he can command cost efficaciously for the undertaking. So he can command cost of the undertaking by using accomplishment labors and staffs with efficient cognition in direction and supervising, cut downing the wastage, etc. eventually when the contractor did proper prediction cost deduction and proper cost control are finished throughout whole undertaking with the aid of S-curve he can acquire much benefits at completion of undertaking.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
I am a teenager free essay sample
I am a teenager. I am ignorant, illiterate and irresponsible. I lie, cheat, steal and hate for no apparent reason. I am rude, inconsiderate and, to all appearances, completely lost. I have never known failure, loss or despair. I never talk to my parents about my life, and would never suffer being seen with them in public. I dont know the value of a dollar and am under the impression that money is cleverly disguised as foliage. I drive 90 miles an hour and cause wrecks, discord and trouble wherever I travel. I know nothing of events, current or past. I am superficial, loud and obnoxious. I am viewed with haughty disapproval as a person who drinks, smokes and parties at every opportunity.I am a teenager. I am a stereotype. I have been cast unfairly in the role of an imprudent person who knows nothing, is inherently cruel, and always thinking of myself. We will write a custom essay sample on I am a teenager or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I am the bane of a society of whom many have never read Tolstoy, Dickens, Bronte, Nietzsche or Rousseau. I am dismissed by many of the generation who fear the day when I become an adult, because then the world will surely fall to pieces. When people look at me, they evaluate through lenses tinted with suspicion, mistrust and doubt.Some will never know that I am compassionate, humble and patriotic. I am an athlete, singer, artist and comedian. I am a daughter, sister, student and friend. I laugh and cry. I speak out and I brood. I love, dislike, and show indifference. I will be the next Nobel Prize winner, best-selling author, life-saving surgeon, president, or beloved teacher. I have lofty dreams and the ambition to make them reality. I have the determination and self-discipline to see every goal surpassed. I will go to college not just to party and have fun, but to pull myself one step closer to the destination I so greatly desire. Through kind words, intelligent conversation and common courtesy I will change the misconception of youth.One day, one person at a time, I will show those who judge that they are wrong. When I am an adult there will be a new collection of disrespectful, reckless, hateful youth. Maybe, just maybe, when I look at them, I will see through the labels and see the promise of a future generation. For now, I am simply and proudly myself. I am faithful, loving and honest. I am inquisitive, intelligent and sincere. I am a leader, follower and teacher. I am a teenager.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Overview of the Book Stigma by Erving Goffman
Overview of the Book Stigma by Erving Goffman Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity is a book written by sociologist Erving Goffman in 1963 about the idea of stigma and what it is like to be a stigmatized person. It is a look into the world of people considered abnormal by society. Stigmatized people are those that do not have full social acceptance and are constantly striving to adjust their social identities: physically deformed people, mental patients, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc. Goffman relies extensively on autobiographies and case studies to analyze stigmatized persons’ feelings about themselves and their relationships to â€Å"normal†people. He looks at the variety of strategies that stigmatized individuals use to deal with the rejection of others and the complex images of themselves that they project to others. Three Types of Stigma In the first chapter of the book, Goffman identifies three types of stigma: stigma of character traits, physical stigma, and stigma of group identity. Stigma of character traits are: â€Å"...blemishes of individual character perceived as weak will, domineering, or unnatural passions, treacherous and rigid beliefs, and dishonesty, these being inferred from a known record of, for example, mental disorder, imprisonment, addiction, alcoholism, homosexuality, unemployment, suicidal attempts, and radical political behavior.†Physical stigma refers to physical deformities of the body, while stigma of group identity is a stigma that comes from being of a particular race, nation, religion, etc. These stigmas are transmitted through lineages and contaminate all members of a family. What all of these types of stigma have in common is that they each have the same sociological features: â€Å" individual who might have been received easily in normal social intercourse possesses a trait that can obtrude itself upon attention and turn those of us whom he meets away from him, breaking the claim that his other attributes have on us.†When Goffman refers to â€Å"us,†he is referring to the non-stigmatized, which he calls the â€Å"normals.†Stigma Responses Goffman discusses a number of responses that stigmatized people can take. For example, they could undergo plastic surgery, however, they still risk being exposed as someone who was formerly stigmatized. They can also make special efforts to compensate for their stigma, such as drawing attention to another area of the body or to an impressive skill. They can also use their stigma as an excuse for their lack of success, they can see it as a learning experience, or they can use it to criticize â€Å"normals.†Hiding, however, can lead to further isolation, depression, and anxiety and when they do go out in public, they can, in turn, feel more self-conscious and afraid to display anger or other negative emotions. Stigmatized individuals can also turn to other stigmatized people or sympathetic others for support and coping. They can form or join self-help groups, clubs, national associations, or other groups to feel a sense of belonging. They might also produce their own conferences or magazines to raise their morale. Stigma Symbols In chapter two of the book, Goffman discusses the role of â€Å"stigma symbols.†Symbols are a part of information control; they are used to understand others. For example, a wedding ring is a symbol that shows others that someone is married. Stigma symbols are similar. Skin color is a stigma symbol, as is a hearing aid, cane, shaved head, or wheelchair. Stigmatized people often use symbols as â€Å"disidentifiers†in order to try to pass as a â€Å"normal.†For instance, if an illiterate person is wearing ‘intellectual’ glasses, they might be trying to pass as a literate person; or, a homosexual person who tells ‘queer jokes’ might be trying to pass as a heterosexual person. These covering attempts, however, can also be problematic. If a stigmatized person tries to cover their stigma or pass as a â€Å"normal,†they have to avoid close relationships, and passing can often lead to self-contempt. They also need to constantly be alert and always checking their houses or bodies for signs of stigmatization. Rules for Handling Normals In chapter three of this book, Goffman discusses the rules that stigmatized people follow when handling â€Å"normals.†One must assume that â€Å"normals†are ignorant rather than malicious.No response is needed to snubs or insults, and the stigmatized should either ignore or patiently refute the offense and views behind it.The stigmatized should try to help reduce the tension by breaking the ice and using humor or even self-mockery.The stigmatized should treat â€Å"normals†as if they are honorary wise.The stigmatized should follow disclosure etiquette by using disability as a topic for serious conversation, for example.The stigmatized should use tactful pauses during conversations to allow recovery from shock over something that was said.The stigmatized should allow intrusive questions and agree to be helped.The stigmatized should see oneself as â€Å"normal†in order to put â€Å"normals†at easy. Deviance In the final two chapters of the book, Goffman discusses the underlying social functions of stigmatization, such as social control, as well as the implications that stigma has for theories of deviance. For instance, stigma and deviance can be functional and acceptable in society if it is within limits and boundaries.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Technology with Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Technology with Business - Essay Example It is used to automate the payroll functions. As a result of this automation, Microcel has been able to reduce the level of paperwork to a substantial level. Another module is attendance which in combination with biometrics automatically tracks employee attendance records. These software modules are tested in-house and therefore the HR processes which are standardized are automated. This saves a considerable level of costs. The company operates in a highly competitive industry and the use of cost-saving technology enables it to develop a competitive advantage. Technology in sales and marketing Because the software development industry is characterized by high competition, Microcel must attempt to provide solutions which deliver a high level of value. By employing information technology, the company improves operational efficiency and therefore is able to provide great customer service. According to the sales manager, the implementation of information technology enables his sales forc e to stay in constant touch with the customers, thus creating an efficient communications system. Because the company is in the business of providing IT services, it has the infrastructure which can incorporate the latest IT technology. This also serves as a unique selling proposition. The clients can see the software technology function at Microcel and thus make their purchase decisions. Therefore the use of IT enables Microcel not only to improve the efficiency of operational processes within the company but also to demonstrate the products to the clients. In this manner the software products not only generate revenue but also save costs. As mentioned before, the company operates in a competitive industry. There are quite a number of other companies which are developing human resource software. Other companies such as Trinet and Administaff are also developing human resource software. Therefore Microcel has to develop the best products in the industry so that it can continue to wi n market share away from other competitors. Because competitors like Trinet and Administaff are already well entrenched in the market, it may not be possible for a smaller company like Microcel to compete with them. Therefore the strategic focus of the company has been to focus upon those segments of the market which have not been using software products up to this time. These smaller companies do not have the resources to make massive cash outlays for purchasing software products. For this reason Microcel has focused upon minimizing product development costs. This allows the company to offer products at a relatively lower cost, thus making them affordable to the smaller companies which have not considered installing human resource information systems. Technology in human resource management At Microcel , the employees are considered to be the most important assets. Therefore the management focuses upon maintaining a motivated work force. Since the company operates in a competitive environment, it has to create a sustainable competitive advantage. According to Porter’s framework for competitive strategies, a company can implement the strategies of cost minimization, differentiation and focus to create a competitive advantage. However the competing organizations can also implement these same strategies and therefore none of the companies has a competitive edge any longer. On the other hand, if the organizational culture serves as the source of the competitive edge, then it becomes sustainable
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